show lldp table

  • Displays a summary of all LLDP neighbors in a pretty one-shot command.
  • Example:
admin@sonic:~$ show lldp table
Capability codes: (R) Router, (B) Bridge, (O) Other
LocalPort    RemoteDevice            RemotePortID    Capability    RemotePortDescr
-----------  ----------------------  --------------  ------------  ----------------------------------------
Ethernet0    SONIC01MS               Ethernet1       BR            Ethernet0
Ethernet4    SONIC02MS               Ethernet1       BR            Ethernet4
Ethernet8    SONIC03MS               Ethernet1       BR            Ethernet8
Ethernet12   SONIC04MS               Ethernet1       BR            Ethernet12
Total entries displayed:  4

show lldp neighbors [<interface-name>]

  • Displays more detail about all LLDP neighbors
  • Example:
admin@sonic:~$ show lldp neighbors
LLDP neighbors:
Interface:    Ethernet96, via: LLDP, RID: 36, Time: 12 days, 00:30:13
    ChassisID:    mac 00:1c:73:3c:e1:36
    SysName:      SONIC01SPINE
    SysDescr:     Arista Networks EOS version 4.16.6M running on an Arista Networks DCS-7508
    TTL:          120
    Capability:   Bridge, on
    Capability:   Router, on
    PortID:       ifname Ethernet4/24/1
    PortDescr:    SONIC01LEAF:Ethernet1/25
    MFS:          9236
Interface:    Ethernet72, via: LLDP, RID: 42, Time: 10 days, 13:41:27
    ChassisID:    mac 00:1c:73:3c:e1:51
    SysName:      SONIC02SPINE
    SysDescr:     Arista Networks EOS version 4.16.6M running on an Arista Networks DCS-7508
    TTL:          120
    Capability:   Bridge, on
    Capability:   Router, on
    PortID:       ifname Ethernet4/24/1
    PortDescr:    SONIC01LEAF:Ethernet1/19
    MFS:          9236
  • Optionally, you can specify an interface name in order to display only that particular interface
  • Example:
admin@sonic:~$ show lldp neighbors Ethernet72

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